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English Elocution Competition Std V and VI

July 8, 2022 |  Secondary

English Elocution competition for Std. V & VI was held on 8th July, 2022. 24 students participated in the competition.
Teacher inharge – Mrs. Ashiwini Pimple.
Judges—Mrs Shriya Desai(External)
–Master George Bunch(Internal)
Prize Winners—Std. V.
1st Place—Renee Joseph(Green House)
2nd Place—Sanchita Kami(Red House)
3rd Place—Bhoomit Gharat(Green House)
Std. VI.
1st Place—Aaron Sequeira( Green House)
2nd Place—Halima Dhorajiwala(Red House)
3rd Place—Christiano D’souza(Green House)


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