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Republic Day Celebration

26th January, 2023

St Blaise School celebrates India's 74th Republic Day
India's 74th Republic Day was celebrated in our school with patriotic fervour and great eclat on the school grounds. The programme commenced with a guard of honour and unfurling of the National Flag by the Chief Guest Mrs Yvonne Moraes(retiring teacher of the school).

The Students' Council and captains of all the four houses viz Red (Nehru House), Yellow (Sarojini House), Green (Gandhi House), and Blue ( Tagore House) showcased discipline and synchronize movement through March Past. The March Past was judged by our very own Ex A.H.M. of the school , Mrs Rajrani Warrior and Ex Supervisor Mrs Surinder Chadha.

The speeches by the Chief Guest Mrs Yvonne Moraes, Secondary Supervisor Mrs Shilpa Phadke and the students of the secondary and primary section spurred a surge of patriotism in the hearts of the spectators. Further enthralling dance performances by the primary and secondary section thrilled everyone. An entrancing Tableau on patriotic theme was presented by the students of the secondary section.
Thereafter Scholarship Prize Distribution was held followed by the felicitation of the winners of the Science Exhibition. The programme concluded with the vote of thanks.

Needless to say the 74th Republic Day celebration at our school sparked the flames of patriotism in the hearts of many.

Winners of the March Past Competition
1st place- Yellow house
2nd place - Red House and Blue House

St.Blaise High School
Amboli, Andheri West, Mumbai

©2022 by St.Blaise High School

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